Support Services

CIG Capital doesn't just lend money, we work side by side with the project owner and make sure the project can truly be successful.

CIG Capital Management provides various services that focus on creating the best path to success. Services include:

Project Management

Project Management provides planning, executing, controlling, and closing a team’s work to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria for projects we invest in. Which includes but is not limited to:

  • professional on-site management
  • cost estimating and value analysis
  • effective communication
  • phasing alternatives or milestones
  • constructability reviews
  • general conditions and contract requirements
  • bid or procurement process assistance
  • schedule development and monitoring

Risk Management

Risk Management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risk Management’s objective is to assure uncertainty does not deflect the endeavor from the business goals. The Risk Management team understands the complexities, difficulties, and risks associated with the construction phases of real estate development or renovation. Every project is unique and our services are customized for each project.

Economic Growth

CIG Capital’s team has a rich history of finding ways to grow and scale business models and products. We will research and analyze market trends, demand prospects and opportunities, industry participants’ makeup, and future growth and investment drivers. The team will help develop the full potential of growth clusters to innovate, create new products, penetrate markets, and engage in international trade. CIG Capital will provide business support, specialist skills development, workspace provision, business collaboration, and measures to maximize impacts on local economic growth.

Business Consulting

Our team is here to help organizations improve their performance and efficiency by analyzing the business and creating solutions while also helping companies meet their goals. Becoming an extension of the operations our support specialist will work with the project owner(s) to help improve business efficiency, productivity, reduce costs, and create and implement marketing and system strategies. Giving the owner(s) the one silo system that gives more time to focus on product development and overall operations.

Financial Consulting

Formulate appropriate programs for developing sustainable financial stability. Structuring capital requirements plan to enable the fulfillment of the desired Project development objectives. Keep the project under the accountability of not overspending and eliminate wasteful overuse, but at the same time not settling on non-return lower-cost products or nonproductive systems. Create a long-term profitability financial and business model, and additional revenue streams for all aspects of the project. 

Executive Mentorship

Former Navy Seal Patrick Bisher created our mentorship program to develop the best executives through recruiting and training. The cornerstone of the 1% Mentality for leaders, executives, and owners. A movement designed to train, equip, and empower executives to move strategically to change the culture and mentor their team and staff. Using the 1% Mentality by way of the GRIT Method, executives are empowered to have a Warrior’s Mindset. Success is the only option.